A story. A passion.

Our company has been able to evolve and adapt over time to meet the needs of its customers. The consolidation and expansion of the BARCIET-MARLEV Group's expertise has enabled us to create national coverage and work together for an international reach. As a specialist in wire ropes and lifting equipment, the BARCIET-MARLEV Group has in-depth knowledge of these products and their use in a variety of industries. By offering quality products to both SMEs and large industrial groups, we can help these companies achieve their goals efficiently. The BARCIET-MARLEV Group is able to adapt to the changing needs of industry and expand to meet a wider customer base. This testifies to the flexibility and adaptability of our group, which is essential to remain competitive in a constantly evolving market. In short, our experience and expertise in wire ropes and lifting equipment can help many companies realize their projects. With national coverage and international reach, the BARCIET-MARLEV Group is well placed to meet the needs of its customers, whatever their size or location.

In a few numbers over one year, being a leader means:


sold wire ropes

Like Paris / Dakar

chains sold

Like Paris / Rouen


A team at your service

Our business sectors

Attraction ParksConstruction IndustryLiftersAdministration / SNCFIndustry / Aerospace / MetallurgyEnergy / Offshore / Wind / NuclearMaritimeAttraction ParksConstruction IndustryLiftersAdministration / SNCFIndustry / Aerospace / MetallurgyEnergy / Offshore / Wind / NuclearMaritimeAttraction ParksConstruction IndustryLiftersAdministration / SNCFIndustry / Aerospace / MetallurgyEnergy / Offshore / Wind / NuclearMaritime

Our products

The BARCIET-MARLEV Group has always been committed to supplying quality, brand-name wire rope and lifting equipment. Traceability, quality control, compliance with standards and approvals are the watchwords of our product selection.

Our locations

logo bmsNantes
logo braLyon
logo BarcietParis
logo ccbBordeaux
logo ccbToulouse
logo marlevLe Havre
11 rue Jean ROUXEL, Lot n°16, ZAC de la Pentecôte, 44700 Orvault
+33(0)2 28 01 75 06

Our latest news

projet grand paris

Grand Paris

The BARCIET-MARLEV Group is involved in the Grand Paris project, supplying high-quality lifting equipment such as wire ropes, slings, lifting beams, and winches. The project aims to improve transport and mobility in the Paris region, by creating new metro lines, stations, tunnels, and bridges, as well as modernizing existing infrastructures. By taking part in these projects, the BARCIET-MARLEV Group is contributing to the completion of the project, strengthening its market position, and acquiring new skills in construction and transport. This will enable the group to grow and better meet the needs of its customers in other industries and regions.

Coureurs sur la Seine pour les JO de 2024

Olympic Games 2024

The 2024 Olympic Games involve the construction of new infrastructure, including stadiums, arenas, and sports facilities. These construction sites require lifting and handling equipment to transport heavy and bulky materials on site, which is part of the BARCIET-MARLEV Group's area of expertise. The group's participation in this project represents a real opportunity to strengthen its market position and further develop its skills and expertise in the construction field.

Photo du tunnel de frejus

Fréjus Tunnel

The Fréjus tunnel is a road and rail tunnel in the French Alps, linking France and Italy. It is a major construction project requiring the use of lifting and handling equipment to transport heavy and bulky materials in complicated mountain conditions. The BARCIET-MARLEV group, as a supplier of wire ropes and lifting equipment, supplied equipment for this worksite (steel wire ropes, slings, lifting beams, winches, and other equipment). The BARCIET-MARLEV Group's involvement in this project showcases its experience and expertise in the construction and engineering fields. It also reinforces its reputation as a supplier of high-quality wire ropes and lifting equipment for complex and technically demanding projects.

They trust us

We work hard over the long term to build trusting relationships with our customers. Every customer is unique, and our sales people know how to adapt and respond to the specific needs of each one, from the smallest to the largest.

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